"I update whenever I feel like it anyday on this website from Monday through Friday between 8:30 AM through 5PM. All I do is call this excellent Website company, give them directions to exactly what I want and boom, mission accomplished."-Mackenzy The Poet
"The color of my skin changes all the time in different seasons countries and environments. But my regular color is Tan though."-Mackenzy The Poet
"I don't want any help from Mr. MAGA. If he endorsed me for any political office job, I will tell him: Thank you, I'll take it; but the feelings that I openly expressed towards you still stand. I didn't switch my positions that I expressed face in person, or to face with others on my Social Medias and website. You are not my boy!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Mr. YES, WE CAN, just like Mr. MAGA; You're not my boy either. That freaking Health Care you gave us is freaking expensive. Who signed that LGBTQ+ legalization into law? Thank you for bringing a curse into the United States and all over the world? What's going all over the world now? Did Mr. YES, WE CAN take bribes from the LGBTQ+ lobbyists and was under a lot of pressure? I have warning you all ever since before the 2008 USA election on my Facebook that got hacked from someone in Nigeria under my real name, which is now shut down forever with help from my Facebook friends who reported the activities were not coming from me such as selling cars and puppies; because I explained through phone calls and my 2 new Facebooks. I lost so many friends, because they didn't like my message. You're all thought that I was mean, crazy and ignorant. What did Mr. YES, WE CAN do for his father's country, Kenya again? Man, are we all paying the consequences for everything now? Do you want to listen to me now or are you all going to keep resisting me? Remember, I am the crazy one here. I know nothing! Mwen pa konnen anyen! Yo no save nada! Je ne sais rien!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Thanks you! I used to keep my thoughts in secret. I used to keep my revolutionary positions behind the curtain, but now I don't care. Whatever I got to say, plan, do or achieve. I will do it openly so everyone will know how I feel and what I plan to do. But at the same time. One of my advisors has warned me to chill off social media for a while. To be careful what I post. I may not say names, describe the event, describe the person; letting people know what my plans are, my intentions; but he says that people talk. So, I have to listen."-Mackenzy The Poet
"I didn't get elected as President of The USA in the November 5, 2024 election... Wow! That's fine... My journey and the story still continue for me. I didn't watch TV. All I did was come home, eat, check my social media, and go to sleep. I didn't check to see who got elected. So, did Trump or Kamala win? Either way, whichever wins, they are going to screw us the people. I am not going to post that on any social media. I'm just going to post it on my website. I have to silently keep being active. I have to listen to my advisors."-Mackenzy The Poet
"I also noticed that my website company took down the 2 new pages that I added on my website. I don't even have to ask them why. I already know. It's called Protection from the people!! Sometimes, you got to take a Lost and let the Hare go first and follow example of the Turtle."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Ale depòte fanmi moun pou wè sa ki pral rive ou. Bondye Fè pi fò moun ki travay nan Gouvènman Ameriken se imigrant. Pèp la avèk mwen ap swiv. Kontinye grennen pete. Bay manti. Kontinye agase tout pèp la pou wè si pèp pap bouke avèk ou."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Yes! I did call for help from HEAVEN."-Mackenzy The Poet
"I didn't forget. Just like Said. Anyone who voted for me on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 United States Election for President of The USA. May GOD through JESUS CHRIST or YESHUA with the power of the HOLY SPIRIT BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. If you did not vote for me, then you missed. It was only a few people. All my personal enemies, family, friends, neighbors, and strangers overlooked me, because what Iooked like or where I was born at. You don't even care about the Ancestry. As soon as I say, I was born in such and such country, it is either: I get humiliated or many of you are scared, because what my people did a long time ago. All of you you thought it was all a joke. Well here it is! If I spelled it out for you openly. Well just like King David, there is POWER in my tongue. If I feel like it, I can take back any blessing, because it might be you lied to me, trick me, try to play me, being disrespectful and/or is being mean to me. But the thing is if you forced me to bless you than nothing will happen. The flip and best side to all of this is if I bless you with all my heart, then there you go: The BLESSINGS will flow to you and your FAMILY. I am very very very sorry, but I cannot turn back the clock, you missed the blessing. I was right on front of you all. I lived among you all, I went through and still is going through similar struggles that you all go through and new struggles that you when I share people laugh, learn something and are shocked. What did the Jews think about Jesus? Nothing good can ever come out of Bethlehem. This is the return of King David, but only this this time he is not from Israel; and My name King Mackenzy!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Even though I have spent most of my life in New Jersey, I don't feel welcome here in New Jersey and the United States. Just like any other immigrants who were not born here or was born here, but raised by immigrants parents. If you know where your ancestry or where your people come or feel attached to any other country or countries than you know what I'm talking about."-Mackenzy The Poet
"I only lost the battle, not the war. No matter, my story and my journey continues..."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Basically, I'm just here watching the Global Church, non-profit organizations and people who are capable of helping doing nothing to help all people in every other countries who are going through a tough time doing nothing. Isn't because you guys are scared? So, we'll see who GOD allows in HEAVEN. Many people are going to be surprised on the names that are on the list and those who are not. Let me ask you 2 questions! Are we who are living in United States doing better than anywhere else in the world? Are people in so called privileged or so called civilized or so called in Powerful countries doing better doing better than other countries?"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Bon monchè, ou fout agase twòp moun. Na wè, si ou ap rete fè tout manda ou. Na wè si imigrant pap fè ou peye dyòl ou!!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Yeah man, I know nothing. I am the crazy one here. There many words that I say, when I go back to hear it on a video or see what I wrote. I am shocked myself. I have no idea where it came from. Where does it come from?"-Mackenzy The Poet
To my business partner: "Tell the woman that you're trying to hook me up or set up with to find me. I'm not going to find her."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Sa a se yon sigarèt ak brikè. Kontinye fè pèp la pase mizè; menm pèp la avèk tout imigran yo ap mete dife nan kay la. Pèp la! Pa fè sa bò kay ou. Men ale kote chak dirijan yo rete, palè, katye jeneral chak politisyen, depi nèg yo pa vle bay tout sa nou mande ak reparasyon. Ou panse ou konnen mwen, men ou pa gen okenn lide. Mwen wè tout enjistis nan peyi Etazini ak nan tout mond lan nan chak peyi. Nou tout ap pran menm baf avèk menm enbesil yo! Pòt revolisyon an rive. Pi bonè pase ou panse!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Repiblik Dominikèn, mwen ap swiv ou depi lontan! Kontinye voye kaka monte. Pèp Ayisyen an se pou nou fout fè yon REVOLISYON ankò epi pèp ap fout pran tè a ankò!! Tout tè se pou Ayiti li ye. Men fwa sa, mezanmi, fò nou priye avan, pa mete vodou ladan li. Pa fè menm erè sa ankò!! Pa soti san priyè!! Èske nou prè pou nou ale na la gè? Nou gen anpil e plizyè enmi pliyè kote. Mete Bondye Bib Kreyòl Ayisyen devan, priye ekri sou papye tout sa nou bezwen nan men GOD through HIS SON JESUS CHRIST or YESHUA with the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT li epi lage priyè atè!!! Wa Mackenzy ap mande nou menm pèp Ayisyen èske nou se kapon oubyen eske nou prè pou Bondye fè nou leve tèt nou e fè tout chen yo kap fè pase mizè; tout kote fèmen dyòl yo!!! Nenpòt koulè ou ye, Nenpòt konyen kòb ou gen la bank...depi ou di, mwen te fèt Ayiti, obyen younn nan zansèt ou soti Ayiti; yo fout pè!! Si gen etranje nan tout peyi ki vle ede nan REVOLISYON an, kite yo ede!! Men depi yo fout nou manti, ap fè mafya, fout elimine yo!!! Nou pa gen tan pou moun ki se espyon e ki vle e ki pral trayi nou pi devan!!!!!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"REVOLISYON tout kote!! REVOLISYON nan United States, REVOLISYON nan New Jersey, REVOLISYON nan Haiti, REVOLISYON nan Palestine, REVOLISYON an Africa, REVOLISYON nan Ukraine, REVOLISYON nan Taiwan, e si gen lòt toujou kap Kontinye ap fè pèp la pase mizè; ebyen REVOLISYON pi rèd jiskaske tout pèp jwenn delivrans yo!!!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Na wè pou konbyen tan Etazini rete kòm gran pwisans? Èske Ayiti ka vini kòm yon gran pwisans tou? Èke Ayiti ka fè mèvèy nan tout Spò ke yo patisipe ladan? Èske nou ka fout ranpòte vikwa nan Concacaf Nations League, Gold Cup, Copa America, Olympics, World Cup, ect? Èske nou ka fè plizyè gwo stad menm avèk lòt peyi? Èske Bondye ka fè nou ranpòte viktwa nan tout spò avèk plizyè meday? Èske Bondye ka fè nou prepare yon Koup Di Mond an Ayiti? Jodi a se Vandredi 8 Novanm, 2024. Li fè 4:09 PM. "-Mackenzy The Poet
"Ever since I was a baby, there has been an evil spirit trying to kill me. Did you know I died as a baby with no breathing ability and I was brought to life with the power of PRAYERS? As of Today Friday, November 8, 2024 did you know throughout my lifetime I have had more than 10 car accidents in my lifetime? Did you know I was not able to speak when I was younger? Did know you the private school that I went to made my mother paid extra for me only above all the other students? Did you know I started School ever since I was 2 years old? Did you know 9-11 happened in New York when I started Middle School in Elizabeth, New Jersey? Who has been after me ever since I got to this EARTH? Do I have a mission to accomplish?"-Mackenzy The Poet
"All of the legal or naturalized immigrants who are saying let's deport illegal immigrants! Let me ask you 1 question: Did Christopher Columbus come to the United States legal or illegally?"-Mackenzy The Poet
"I have no problem with Cuba, Venezuela, Jamaica, Taiwan, and Japan; because they help my people with all their hearts. Furthermore, I have no beef with Italians and Germans; because they did not fight against my people during the the revolution. Last but not least, I have deep love for the Polish, because they help my people fight side by side in the revolution. The Polish people even stayed, they learned the language and intermarry with the population!!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Besides you know what which I love at different schedules of the day every day; I like my woman with me intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Not just a pretty face: These things are just extra. I don't want you be my mother. I already get enough rough, direct and mean talking a lot from my mother. I have to accept her just the way she is. I want you to become my therapist. Most of times, I just want you to listen, take notes, because everyday there is a new event, new story, new adventure and new things that always happens to me and I need someone there who will let me share part of my continuing journey with...."-Mackenzy The Poet
"The difference between my grandfather on my dad side and is that all he did was just fathered children all over that specific city and most of them have moved away and marry other nationalities. It is true that I may be realated to all of you if we do a DNA test, but where were you when I was at the bottom. You never called, keep in touch or cared. Now that I'm on top, famous and doing well, you want me to do what for you. You want a cut of what? Contrary to what my grandfather did, I was always careful and never fathered any children and I was looking turn these women into a girlfriend 1st; fiancé 2nd; wife 3rd; then the journey would of countiniued with a lot of fun and adventure. But no! All they wanted was the money now; but they did not want the continuation of sharing the wealth with until death separate us. Others that I didn't have you know what with were into playing games and liying."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Woman, what? You don't want to do what I like! Really? You don't do that? Why do think I am letting you know early. You can't or you don't want to? If the Queen has to come out of the church then so be it, because church women be playing games and pretend they do certain things. If it does happen, then I don't want to hear nothing from my fellow Christian brothers and sisters."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Yes, I did call on JESUS CHRIST or YESHUA. He already saved me. I need help from Him to help my people who are going through a tough time, and nobody seems to care to help. Are they scared? Are the people part of the Global Church scared also?"-Mackenzy The Poet
"It looks Like I have been Angry about many wrong things. I will no longer will seek revenge on anybody. So, let God take care of take care of everything. I have been watching the wrong channels. Listening to the wrong journalists. Listening to the wrong people. Getting my news from the wrong sources. Man, do these journalists from every country loves making people fight against each other. That's how they make the money. The more people fight, the more they get paid."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Whether we like it or not, as of today Saturday, Novamber 9, 2024 around 2:38 PM this is a wedding for life between USA+Haiti+Israel for life. This is marriage between friends and enemies. Jeremiah 31..."-Mackenzy The Poet
"You never know who will marry you and later divorce you to steal a HUGE portion of your WEALTH later. It is not a Blacks, Whites, Latino/Hispanics or Asians ect thing. Trust me! I know what I am talking about I have tried all different kinds of women. If you say that you ain't got no money at the current time, no job, no car, don't own your own place at the current time, etc. Then they blow you off! You don't even know if I'm doing an investigation like an undercover cop. Am I doing that?"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Man! My own people don't want me. They don't allow any of people with citizenship to other countries to vote or hold any political office. If anyone does, they want you reject any foreign citizenship that you may have. That goes for any foreigners trying hold any political office there. All you have to do is to do is live there for at least 5 years before any election race and take citizenship or passport there. All they want is for people to keep sending money. All I want is to be able to vote, invest and to represent the people in a positive light internationally. I don't want to hold any political offices there, because I am scared of these people living there. Plus, I'm not rejecting my US Citizenship no matter what happens. But I'm not scared the people living in the diaspora with a connection to people living there, they understand that when any leader who is elected there, give him or her some time to accomplish their goals. If they screw you or the people, then get them back by voting them out in the next election. You don't have to keep doing revolutions by breaking the beautiful things that built like beautiful: Hospitals, Schools, Hotels, Infrastructures, buildings, buisnesses, houses, markets ect. Don't you want Tourism? If they continue non-stop oppressing and continue to hurt the people; then Give them the silent treatment, then vote!! This goes for any elections in the United States or Anywhere for any people, cities, counties, states, and countries in this world. Remember, give them the silent treatment and then Vote!!! BUT the Haitian people, the American people don't want to listen to me anyway and every people in every countries just ignore me anyway. So, good luck... No matter happens, God will take care of me anyway. GOOD LUCK!!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"If I am given a choice to check my race and/or ethnicity in the United States; I will check Hispanic/Latino for now if or and until things change. I appreciate all of the Ancestry that I have and I will not deny it. They are: Haitian, British, Dominican, African, and Polish; but I was not raised by the British, the Dominicans, the Africans and the Polish. I was raised among and by the Haitians in Haiti. I just want to be known as Haitian American. Simple, easy and straight to the point."-Mackenzy The Poet
"No matter who is power, what these reporters say about me, my people or the controversial quotes of mine that I have already spoken and written. I'm not erasing nothing and taking back nothing. I'm still going to have fun. No matter what happens, my party will still go on!!!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"I can say that I speak 4 languages which are: American English, Haitian Creole, Spanish and French. But I don't like speaking French."-Mackenzy The Poet
"As of Today, Sunday, November 10, 2024 at 10:00 AM; I want New Jersey to be on the map! For example, I want New Jersey to have their own American Football team, Basketball team, ect..."-Mackenzy The Poet
"My mother makes me and reminds me every morning and every time I get home to say: "!Beni swa LETÈNÈL!" = !Praise the LORD!" 7 times and "!Alelouya!" = "!Hallelujah!" 7 times."-Mackenzy The Poet
"So, whatever God does all the enemies of the people and my personal enemies; I am not responsible. I will patiently wait..."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Even though each family member treat me a different way. Yeah! I have a crazy family and they are annoying; but I will have to accept each of them just the way they are."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Man! Was the Garden of Eden originally place by OUR CREATOR right around the a big portion of north part of the continent of Africa? (That one is 100% true, no questions, no doubts). The rest are questions that I have for OUR CREATOR? So, we may have different skin colors and different nationalities; but does that mean we are all Blacks? Did King David did not look White? Did JESUS did not look White? Were the original Jews did not look White? Am I just asking a questions here? I don't go by skin colors, I go by your nationalities. I just got my answers today on Monday, November 11, 2024 at 3:16 AM which is very early in the morning: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3kAUqwaYC3U&t=4s&pp=2AEEkAIB In conclusion, we are family."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Since you know who got elected, I only have 2 questions. Did you know that the following rappers went to jail: TI, Lil Wayne, Fat Joe, DJ Khaled, Kanye West and Eminem, and Ice-T? Since Mr. MAGA was given a pass to become the new leader; can any of these rappers that I have listed and others that were convicted and went to jail can become President of The United States too?"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Do have the following: Student Loans, Credit Cards, Mortgage? Also, are you in jail? Do any of these make all of us slaves?"-Mackenzy The Poet
"No matter what is happening or the situation in Haiti, the Airplanes are always almost full of White Americans going to Haiti. Many of them are marrying Haitians with wealth and/or power status and having children all over the place in different locations. That means they entered the family forever. Other people including me may be scared to go to Haiti, but White Americans are not afraid no matter what they see in the news. The bonus is that if you have that American money, then you can live like Royalty. As of today, Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 2:50 AM or very early in the morning for example: $200 American money = 26,282.55 Haitian money."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Here is a joke for you: Stop calling Haiti the first Black country to get their independence in 1804 before every country in Latin America and the Caribbean! You're going to scare all the White people. (Lol) The truth is Haiti was created for everyone who was oppressed and can find refuge and be protected. As long when you get to Haiti, settle there, having a wonderful time; as long you didn't start oppressing other people after you got freedom from your oppression then you will have no problem enjoying the party!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"REMEMBER it was Haiti that abolished slavery first in this planet Earth. Then went to free countries in Latin America, Countries in the Caribbean, countries in Europe by sending weapons, soldiers and food. Then the African and the Asian countries started to follow that example.-"Mackenzy The Poet
"The main language in Haiti is Haitian Creole. Don't listen to these so call Politicians that goes to the United Nations and be speaking French. Why can't they speak in a way so the people will understand? It's call manipulation, because not everyone who is of Haitian ancestry can speak French or understand it. You have to specify!! It is Haitian Creole. There Louisiana Creole, New Orleans Creole, Haitian Creole, Martinique Creole, Guadeloupe Creole, Reunion Island Creole, Cape Verde Creole, Saint Lucia Creole and etc.."-(Quote by Mackenzy The Poet)
"Stop calling Haitian Creole a dialect, broken French!! So, if it is not in a European country, then it is not a top language? What is going on in the minds of all of you? Haitian Creole is a very beautiful language which includes the mixture of (English, French, African, Spanish, Taino Indian, Portuguese and Arabic) That's it for now, but because of immigration of other cultures and nations to Haiti; I am not sure if Haitian Creole will be influenced by other languages."-Quote by Mackenzy The Poet
"The story of Israel is very similar to Haiti. Everywhere the Haitians (we have all from every nation, tribe, language, color, nationality, ancestry, etc). In every country they go they get mistreated, abused, overworked, many don't have citizenship, even the ones that are wealthy (they still get treated like every other Haitian no matter what color they are). That's why I wrote a poem called "Being Scared of Your Own People" in my third Poetry book. I talked about it all including all of the ENEMIES of my People and my cry to GOD and My cry to The GOLBAL CHURCH for a sincere prayer. Don't freaking stay at church buildings and say that you are only praying only! Take action!! I will patiently wait...Don't disappoint me!!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Cooked Haitian food is awesome! It is natural, healthy and well done if you know how to cook whatever your choice is for the day is! Because there are many flavors, different kinds and many are being invented all the time. I DECLARE THAT HAITIAN FOOD IS THE BEST AND MOST DELICIOUS AND TESTIEST FOOD ON THE PLANET EARTH, MAYBE EVEN IN THE UNIVERSE."-Mackenzy The Poet
"So, you are telling me that you find me very attractive! Thank you, but I already know that I am very very very Handsome and charming."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Despite of what my advisors said, I couldn't stay silent on Social Media. If you stay silent while injustice is going on, then you're an accomplice too!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"All people see is the Glory, but they don't know your Story."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Mezanmi, respè pou nou tout an Ayiti. Mwen pè pèp la ak tout politisyen yo. Thank you for all the political theater."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Ou te mèt bay manje chak semèn. Yon semèn pase, ou pa bay manje; moun komanse rayi ou. Mezanmi, gade yon pèp!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Ofcourse! I kow that can't be happy all the time, but I will smile back if you smile. I love it when others are happy, that is if you're not a jerk."-Mackenzy The Poet
"I just want the Israeli government to stop oppressing the Palestinians because they once were oppressed themselves."-Mackenzy The Poet
"There are so many things that changed in Haiti that I don't even know that happened, and that is happening. I need to go learn again. I like what was said, but just one thing; let's not start a race or a skin color war in any country. We are all slaves in the United States anyway."-Mackenzy The Poet
"I'm still friends with all my exes. Sometimes, I don't know what to say when she calls."-Mackenzy The Poet
"I have never presented any woman to my parents and family, because I didn't know if they were there to rent or buy a house. And I was right every time."-Mackenzy The Poet
"I need less talking from all nations and more actions."-Mackenzy The Poet
"A Pastor's Life is not for me. No, Thank you!"-Mackenzy The Poet
"They are people that I helped out of the goodness of my because they told me they were in need. But later, I found they just looking for free money, free food, free clothes etc.... They took advantage of my compassionate heart. They would have gotten more if they were really in need. But since they tried to play me, they get nothing next time if they try to ask."Mackenzy The Poet
"Just so you know, I am not Jesus Christ. If someone hates me, then I hate you back. If someone screw me, all I will be thinking about is revenge later."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Whatever I say behind your back, I say it to your face too. If you don't want to know, then don't ask."-Mackenzy The Poet
"I want to say thank you to Adam and Eve for messing up the party we were supposed to continue. Would any of us would have done the same thing?"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Man, it not about race or skin color. It's about who is not going to give you BS, play games, and divorced you after some time; just so they can get half of your wealth."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Koman ou ye? = How are you?
Mwen byen. = I am fine.
Spanish = Muy bien.
Gato = Cat in Spanish
Gato = Cake in Haitian Creole" -Mackenzy The Poet
"Depi yon moun gen yon ti koulè, next thing you know Ayisyen komanse rele li milat oubyen blan. Kote Ayisyen jwenn ak mantalite sa frè ak sè mwen?"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Poukisa Jounalis Ayisyen yo fèmen dyòl epi yo pa di anyen lè gen bon nouvèl? Se tout la jounen fè moun tris, fè moun pran depresyon."-Mackenzy The Poet
"How come all of these Journalists in the media all over the world be quiet when there are good news? All they do is spread bad news, make people sad and give people depression."-Mackenzy The Poet
"It's a brand new era at the house I live in with my family. There's always jokes which brings laughter. This makes all of of us smile which brighting up the day for each one of us, specially me."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Many people concludes that we are all crazy in some way with different levels of crazyness, but I don't think many people are crazy. They know what they saw. Plus if you don't act crazy, people will not stop messing with you."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Many things don't shocked me anymore. I have seen too many things go down."-Mackenzy The Poet
"I was born in Haiti and am now a U.S. citizen. My background is a blend of cultures, with my father having British and Dominican ancestry, and my mother having part Polish descent. I also might have connections to Ghana." -Mackenzy The Poet
Let tell you all a joke that Kat Williams told on stage: "The government said there was a shortage of chicken wings, but they never said they was a shortage of chicken." (Lmbo) -Mackenzy The Poet
"Here is a hint in one word of what is going on with all of these drones flying all over in different locations: Distractions!" -Mackenzy The Poet
"I never had Haitian citizenship. When I arrived in the U.S. in 2000, I was holding an American passport. My grandmother on my dads side is a U.S citizen after holding Haitian citizenship. It wasn't until a few years ago, when my mother passed the U.S. citizenship test and became an American citizen as well, that she truly understood what that meant. My sister was born in the United States and never had to go through citizenship in another country. My dad came to the United States first and wanted us to all to follow him and have U.S citizenship as well." -Mackenzy The Poet
"Since I don't know which African country my ancestors came from, I am adopting Ghana as one of my ancestry. Plus, when my father used to be goalie back in the day. He was a Legend and people used to called him in Haitian Creole, "Ti Gana" which is translated in American English as "Little Ghana." There may be some truth to nicknames." -Mackenzy The Poet
"I found out why my dad was nicknamed "Ti Gana" which translated to "Little Ghana" when he used to play soccer as goalie. That's because Ti Gana was a very popular Legendary soccer player and he reminded the people of him."-Mackenzy The Poet
"My father was a legend in Haiti, well-known by people everywhere. He would always give his all for whatever team he was on. Once, he got hit in the head with a soccer ball and had to go to the hospital. When I came to the United States, I played goalie in middle and high school, but I didn't throw myself into the game like he did. I was aware there was no insurance, and I could not sue the school if I got hurt because everyone signed a contract before joining the team! My teammates weren't happy with me. I only stepped up when it was absolutely necessary, like when the goalie didn't show up, and I'd save the day for the team! In one of the playoff games, I played goalie and made the team win!" -Mackenzy The Poet
This is how ChatGPT describes: Mackenzy The Poet
Mackenzy Samedi, known professionally as "Mackenzy The Poet," is a Haitian-American poet and author based in Rahway, New Jersey. Born in Cabaret, Ouest, Haiti, he has been writing original poetry since the age of 15. His work is deeply inspired by his faith in God and personal experiences, aiming to inspire and spiritually elevate his audience.
Mackenzy has published three poetry collections, including "A Beautiful Life Well Lived," which offers detailed and instructive poems.
He performs his poetry at various events and church services, offering readings throughout Scotch Plains, Rahway, Linden, Westfield, and other areas in New Jersey. His performances are known for their passion and positive messages of faith.
In addition to his live performances, Mackenzy maintains an online presence through social media platforms such as Instagram and X (formerly Twitter) , where he shares his poetry and engages with his audience. He also has a YouTube channel featuring interviews, experiences, and poetry performances.
Mackenzy is multilingual, with proficiency in American English, Haitian Creole, Spanish, and French, allowing him to connect with a diverse audience.
For more information or to schedule a poetry reading, you can visit his official website: https://mackenzythepoet.com/
You can also watch his performances on his YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@mackenzysamedi1570
"I am a very nice guy, charming and happy most of the time unless provoked. For example, if you lie to me, try to play me, give me BS, attack my family, attack the Global Church anywhere, keep messing with my people, or oppress people anywhere; then you won't like the other side of me."-Mackenzy The Poet
"I have a bone to pick with all of the countries that were colonized. For example, how come when the Africans countries goes to the United Nations, they be speaking a European language? Don't most of the African countries speak a native tongue? How come when the Jamaicans goes to United Nations they be speaking English? Don't Jamaicans speak Jamaican Patois? How come when the Haitians goes to the United Nations they be speaking French? Don't Haitians speak Haitian Creole? How come when the Indians goes to the United Nations they be speaking English? Don't Indians speak Hindi? Just have a translator from your country to translatate in the other countries ear piece. That would mean more jobs for your people. I don't have time name them all, because the list goes on and on. Why are all of the colonized countries scared to speak their own language?"-Mackenzy The Poet
"Actually, many Haitians don't know which African country they came from. This is because the Haitians of African ancestry were taken from different tribes, nations, languages, etc..."-Mackenzy The Poet
"I Know that many people are saying we are in the Last Days and they are preparing for World War 3. But, I don't want the End of the World to come yet. I just want us to learn a lesson."-Mackenzy The Poet
"Good morning or afternoon or evening, brothers and sisters! Do I have a story for you? In the evening of Monday, December 23, 2024; there was a man at the Rahway Public Library who saw my Kean University bookbag and asked me if I went to Kean University. So I shook his hands, and we had a conversation. He left and came back, then he said his name and "Nobody is going to shake my hands and spoiled my mojo." And he said: "I am a Warlock." After he sat down at another computer far away from me at the Rahway Public Library, I privately asked the female librarian who was helping upload a video on my Social Medias: "What is a Warlock?" She did research and told me that "Some who practice witchcraft." I was speechless."-Mackenzy The Poet
"After my experience with the Warlock man, I have come to the final conclusions. It looks like the Spirit that is in me and the Spirit that is in him didn't match. The light that the Lord Jesus Christ put in me disturbed him. I must be doing something right to see Satan trying to recruit me in his team. I'm not going nowhere. I choose Team God through His Son Jesus Christ or Yeshua with the power of the Holy Spirit, in the past, present, future, and forever."-Mackenzy The Poet
Remember the Warlock Guy who said: "Nobody is going to shake my hands and spoil my mojo" and declare, "I am a Warlock." Guess what? We met again a few days later in The Rahway Public Library on Friday, February 7, 2025 in the morning. I was on the phone at a business meeting, and he was coming from the bathroom. When we both saw each other, I didn't smile and he didn't smile. We both knew who each other was. He went his way, and I went my way. There was no way this time that I was going to be friendly. -Mackenzy The Poet