"Just waiting on GOD to turn it around for me. There many things that I didn't want to know; but I found out anyway. When I was a kid, I was so naïve. I was happy. I was protected by family members, neighbors, friends, strangers, ANGELS from HEAVEN and most importantly GOD. I didn't have to do anything, I was just chilling and not doing anything. But now that I'm a man, I know all the scammers now, theives and all the oppressors. I want my life back, but all of it will not be the same. But I already found out many informations that I didn't want to know. So, I will move on!! The Journey continues..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"I LOVE that HUMAN connection. That's why I HATE robots!! What you mean you're watching CHURCH online? Right? Good Luck with that? Don't you want to be surrounded by your fellow BELIEVERS?"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"I want to say that Emperor Jean-Jacques Dessalines of Haiti was not a racist. He said in the constitution no foreigners can own land in Haïti except for Germans, Italians who did not lift arms against us, and the Polish who helped us fight in the revolution."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Currently, as of Sunday, October 13, 2024, the Haitian Constitution says that people can have duel citizenship, but you can only buy land, own property, invest in the country and represent Haiti in Sports no matter where you where you born, ancestry, color, tribe, ect... BUT IF YOU want to run for political office, you have rejected any foreign citizenship and live in Haiti for at least 5 years before the election. My personal opinion to anyone who wants to is be a Great Leader in Haiti from wherever is: During that time you have to be doing something for the people or if you're not; then the people will screw you in Election time. The people are taking notes."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

All you so called beautiful women and handsome men, why do you keep blowing off the nerds? Guess who GOD ALMIGHTY will elevate later to become GREAT? Guess who will be able to provide a generational WEALTH for all FAMILY members, who doesn't get kicked out of the FAMILY?"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"I might wear glasses, not a movie star yet, don't have abs yet, don't have muscles yet; but thank GOD I am very very very Handsome. I get hit on by different women all the time from different ages and backgrounds. If you are too young, I will tell you are too young. If you are too old, I will tell you that you are too old. If you invite me for a date or have a sit down with in a place like coffee together and you are married; then I asked you: Can your husband come too? (LMBO: ALL TRUE!!)"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

Yeah, man! The gangs in Haiti made my aunt leave her home, so she went to live with my uncle's house. First, I sent a church in Pakistan $10 American Dollars. I received a message that a message from the Pastor that children are paying for me and they appreciate it. But my aunt in Haiti, I sent her more. It was $200 American Dollars. That is a lot in Haitian Money. As of today, Friday, October 11, 2024 at 10:20 in the morning 200 US Dollars = 263,666.60 Haitian Gourde. These so call Haitian bankers and those A-holes who in the financial sectors be changing this crap all the time to make more money. Why can't you make this affordable for all people living and vacationing in Haiti? It is not just in Haiti!! It's A-Holes all over the world!! Why can't they make everything available for people living where ever and vacationing wherever? So, my aunt responded Thank you for thinking about me. She continued that she was sick, she didn't know what she was going to do, she was lying down all day, and she didn't know what she was going to eat. She tanked me, and she said may God bless you "Mackenzy Samedi". She actually used one of my nicknames when I was growing up: may God bless you "Kenkenn" and I will continue to pray for you. I sent her a recorded message on WhatsApp and I summarized: "We are family. The more God bless me. I will share the money with you."

"I am a proud nerd and I love to party!!! I both smart and wild. There is a time for everything. I have a side of LOVE and WRATH!!! PEOPLE like many blood related family members don't like it when I treat them the same way they treat me. When I say they disagree with they say they say that's crazy talk!! For example, yesterday on Friday, October 10, 2024 I was my talking to my aunt who lives in New Jersey. She asked me, why don't I call her anymore? I said: when you figure that out let me know? (The answer: Snitch) Always selling me out to my parents whenever I tell her the truth and give her my heart!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"People, stop letting these: fake Pastors, fake Priests, fake Evanglists, so called Atheist Doctors, so called Atheist Psychiatrists, Your Own family members, A-Hole Politicians, A-Hole Bosses, Atheist Teachers, Negative minded Radio Hosts, Negative minded Journalists and etc prophesying over you or your children!!! When they say you are going to die in a few days? Say: What the F did you just say about me? Just because I am not 100% well, you're saying I'm going to died. Why do I have to donate first? What you mean my child has ADHD, and can't behave in school? Is there something call discipline? That belt? What you mean I have to be just like you Mom and Dad? What you mean I have have to continue to take these psych medications? What you mean I can't own my own business? What you mean that I will always be broke? What you mean that I can't become wealthy? What you mean I can't say that in Church? Why are many of you all censoring people in Church? What you mean I that can't be healed from Mental Health? Who are you going to deport back to where? What you mean I can't drink even though I'm legal? Did I get drunk? What you mean you mean don't yell back? What you mean I can't defend myself? But who started being an A-Hole first? What you mean because just because you you are older than me, I have to listen to you? But old person, what you ask me to do sounds wrong yo! What you mean I can't come to this church anymore because I share my Heart? What you mean by I will never find another job? What you mean nobody will Hire me? Wh you mean don't say what I have to say to your face? Whould you like me to say that behind your back? What you I never get get another girlfriend? What you mean I will never have a Fiancé? What you mean I never get married? What you mean I will never have children? What you mean I can't live WEALTH for the next generation and many family members? What you mean I have to donate $2000 to your Orphanage in order to lift the generational curse on my life that you see? What do you mean I can't buy your company and become THE BOSS one day? What you mean I will never graduate school? I will never become successful? What you mean I will never become Great? What do you mean about everything in my culture is terrible? What you mean everyday there is always bad news? What you mean can't become President of The United States of America? Do I not SERVE a MIGHTY GOD through HIS SON JESUS CHRIST or YESHUA or YAHAWAH BACHACHYM HAMASCHIACH with THE POWER of THE HOLY SPIRIT."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Traitor? Who's team are you on: David or Saul or Goliath? https://www.instagram.com/p/DABm3AvJ4sT/?igsh=MTV6M21lbm83ejR0dw=="Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"So, Basically, My father is too strict and my mother talk too much. My father has a temper and my mother just ignores me when I tell her the good and the bad. She only hears what she wants to hear. My sister is a snitch and it will take her time to do something that you ask her to complete (it could be 1 month, 2 months, 3 months and etc). My grandmother on my dad side complains too much. My grandmother on my mother's side used to say to me when I was little that when (Kenkenn) gets older he will give grandma lots of money. She did not want to come to the United States, because she said Haiti was home."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"It is always arguments all the time in the house. Picking arguments with me. Not listening to my concerns and wonderful wisdom advice. When my sister yell and being bossy by not talking nice to me, I raised my voice too."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"All of the family members that I live with in New Jersey thinks that I am crazy. I only take the prescribed medications just to please them."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Living at home with my family has its privileges, but I am not free. It's like being in jail. It's like being a House Slave."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"My Father keep telling me I can't go to perform where they are non-Christians; it has to be where Christians are there only. But I want to tell him that if I don't go to share my testimony, then how in the world are people supposed to hear the WORD, change their ways and come to Christ!! My life story is a testimony. It's not Christians that need to be saved. Go everywhere, it may be weird, but whatever you got to do. For example, if you have to buy something at a bar, drink a bottle of beer a bar, drink that bottle, leave a tip. Then leave a Church program with the name, address, time of service or services, Ministries, time of worship, activities and etc."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"True! W.E.B DuBois ancestors were from Haiti... I am not afraid of the government anymore...Okay, my friend... I know that the government is listening to everything we say even though our phones may be off... But I'm not afraid anymore..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

Fat Joe https://www.instagram.com/p/DAALC53p6uv/?igsh=MnoyMWlobHpoeDdh"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Money back? https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAbJGfjpGQX/?igsh=MXRmb3R2NjU4cjFpMA=="-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"As of Today, Monday, September 30, 2024. Everything you need to know will be in my 1st Poetry Album. Coming soon. Keep checking my website https://mackenzythepoet.com/ and other social medias for constant updates..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"We are all Great!! Include GOD and when we fight, we win ?!! WARRIORS!! https://www.instagram.com/reel/DASId_apAot/?igsh=MXA5dnp1czdxdHNlNg=="-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"When you find her, give her everything... If she doesn't play you...'-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"I already knew that... Thank you for reminding me!! https://www.instagram.com/reel/C__tD1UubyQ/?igsh=NmVsOW8xZXdra3ly"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Traitor? Who's team are you on: David or Saul or Goliath? https://www.instagram.com/p/DABm3AvJ4sT/?igsh=MTV6M21lbm83ejR0dw=="Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Thank you!! https://www.instagram.com/p/C__KrUypYjj/?igsh=MThuYWlrenl3MzJrYg=="-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"When I go to bars, I only get 2 bottles of beers or 1 cup or 1 glass (which ever is available) of Red Wine. Because the BIBLE says that you can drink, but you can't get drunk. So I don't know my limit so that is why I don't push it."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Love has no boundaries as long it a member of the opposite sex. Male and Female. Emphasis on Legal. This was my personal thoughts on Friday morning on October 11, 2024 at 10:00 AM while chilling at the Gym."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"When family members talk to me mean, I strick back. They get mad at me when I get mad and yell or talk harsh to them too. I give you respect and I expect the same in return. When they keep attacking me. I hope GOD gives them something to do, give them problems too like their car getting stuck in a flood, tires are flat, injured, fall on the floor, car accident, and ect, but keep them alive because they are family members. All of that goes to All of my ENEMIES too, but WORST like striking them all DEAD. I am patiently waiting for however long it takes..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Who is going to pay for this 34 Trillion dollars debt of the United States as of Today, September 29, 2024 (and still counting as each seconds, minutes, hours, days and etc goes by)?"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"What goes around does come back around. Also, about being kind, fair, honest, and true. Yeah, that's me! I listened to all sides. Then I asked for evidence, witnesses and etc if they are more. Finally, I may ask do you want the truth or the lie? WARNING: You may not like what I have to say as my conclusion or my Final Decision."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"My parents love my sister more than me. I'm the one who is always getting yeld at. I know that I dissopointed them because I am not a Doctor or in the medical field, but they are very proud of my Sister because she is in the Medical field. Everything I do is a problem. But the thing is: am I bothering you? She gets to do whatever she wants. Going out with friends whenever. But if I say I am heading to an event at my own church. Then, no, the streets too dangerous for me. Some excuse for me not to go. Can I go to Bible Study, Mens Group, ect? Then did you hear how somebody got robbed at the gas station this week? What the heck? I didn't want to know. Thank you for trying to ruin my day!!!-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Is the dog behaving?"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Okay, man, here is an update. You, my therapist, said that could not help me with family issues. That's why I spoke with the Assistant Pastor at my family's church. I told him everything about my father. How he is, behave, what he did to me and is still doing. I told when he speaks with him, if he say that I am lieing, I will gladly say everything to his face. After my father, my mother is next, and then my sister."-
Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Plus, I am exposing my family on the week of Monday, October 14 to October 19, 2024 on my website under my quotes page right here. They will never know anyway. They don't support me or go to my website or read anyway or buy any of my Poetry Books, ect. The worst thing about being an author or an artist is that almost everyone you are friends with wants everything for free.-"Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"One Great grandparent from my grandfather's side: A British man and he married a Dominican woman.-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Both Great grandparents from my grandmother's side: A Polish man/woman and he/she married a Haitian woman/man."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Wow! Man, Brilliant Advice you gave me. Here it right here:
Hey man - I would continue to speak with that Pastor if you made him aware of a specific situation. See if they offer or would recommend counseling services for you.
As a friend, I am telling you to take pause and do not act on emotion. While we may feel a certain way in the moment, our view can get distorted and lead to regrettable action.
I wish I had more to offer than personal advice, but at the end of the day you need to get some assistance from a licensed councilor that understands your medical history. That Pastor/church might be able to help."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Thank you, man. I appreciate it. Just for your advice, I will have a special gift for you very soon for both you and your wife. I remembered when I graduated college with my Bachelors degree, you and your wife gave me a present, and now it is my turn to return the favor. I remember everyone who was generous to me."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Are all the dogs continue barking and behaving? I want the people of New Jersey to help me control all the dogs and all of my ENEMIES. Even if I am overseas or ect."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"This a QUIET REVOLUTION!!! Just so you know! Anyone that don't vote for me for ME as your next President of The United States from only 2024 to 2028. Write my name "Mackenzy The Poet." Whatever happens, at least I can say I took a shot!!! I won't be praying and asking GOD to BLESS you if you don't vote for me! GOD listens to me anyway!!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"I update whenever I feel like it from Monday through Friday from 9AM to 5PM. I just call the Company that I am paying handle my website and I give introductions on what I want, sometimes I ask for advice and in the end the FINAL Decision is mine to make!! If it happens to me, you will hear about in a Poem, Story, or in my social medias straight up or in a coded video. Did you solve the Puzzle yet?"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"So, I met this woman, right. We met on Friday, September 28, 2024. So we kissed on the lips!! We were dating on Sunday October 2, 2024. I asked to come to church with me on Sunday, October 6, 2024. Then she said that she would come to church with me Sunday, October 13, 2024. I even gave her a WARNING: Please wear a nice dress or a skirt that is appropriate, like a respectable lady to church this Sunday. Don't disappoint me!! I will be waiting for you. If you don't see me, call me... I will be around for all 3 services."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"So Sunday, October 13, 2024 came, she didn't show up, I didn't get a text or any phone call. So I went straight to my Cellphone and write: EX-GIRLFRIEND next to her name. I even updated my status from a relationship to Single again. So she will get the message when I stay silent and don't say S**t to her."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"So I am fluent and is an expert at American English and Haitian Creole. Spanish and French, I need help on. I may be able to hold a conversation and defend myself if I am drop in Spanish speaking country and a French Speaking country, but I'm not fluent. If a Latino/Hispanic or Spaniard from Spain start speaking very fast, then I will be like Slow down, Despasito. Que? The same thing will go for a French speaking country. Specially Canada and France. If they start speaking so fast, I will be like I don't understand your accent. Slow down, Lentement. Quoi?"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"So, I am thinking in the future of going to live in a place where Latino/Hispanic people live in Puerto Rico for a while so I can become an expert in Spanish. Then go live where African people live in Ivory Coast for a while so I can become an expert in French."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet