"With my skin tan and my hair long. I cut my hair every time it grows".-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Mwen gen cheve tèt grenn tou lè mwen pa penyen tèt mwen oubyen pa bwose cheve m. Men depi mwen al nan barbershop, mwen fè cheve m, ou pap janm konnen sa. Chak tan mwen eseye gen waves, mwen echwe, malgre mwen gen san mele (Si ou bezwen konnen, "Ki zansèt Papa mwen? Ki zansèt Manman mwen?") Mande mwen, oubyen poze mwen kèk kesyon! Sa vle di ke mwen deside pou mwen rete avèk sa BONDYE Ban mwen an!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Haiti is not poor, by the way. Haiti has plenty of natural resources like gold, diamonds, oil, gas, uridium (not sure if I spelled that correctly) and etc..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Life without a girlfriend for a very long time ever since my first and only ex-girlfriend broke up with me. It is: peaceful, no stress; but very lonely for me ? But, I get to save a lot of money ? going out by myself!! Like in places like going to restaurants, shopping, movies, traveling etc... (Lol)..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Yes, I need that woman ?; that is true. But if she cannot eat with me at Wendy's on our first date. (One of my ex-jobs that I quit because of they treated me like trash and made me do all of the terrible jobs). Then, I cannot promote her and buy her fancy gifts and cherish her!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I am down with that! Let's make Okap or Cap-Haïtien the new capital of Haiti ??. It is a very quiet and peaceful city. If you try to disturb the peace or bring violence; the people who live there will quietly smoke you if you know what I mean."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Ke Bondye beni Ayisyen tout kote. Nou sipoze ini tèt nou, menm Jan avèk Jwif yo! May JESUS or YESHUA pwoteje nou e fè nou kite eritaj pou pitit nou de jenerasyon an jenerasyon an jenerasyon. Amèn!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I would open the door for the following people if they show up unannounced: My father, mother, sister, grandmother, few friends at church ⛪️ and few friends that I remember that still keep in touch with me... if you don't keep in touch, then why are you here? My children, my Future wife and her family and my FAMILY whether by blood, marriage or adoption!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"BONJOU oubyen BONSWA! Koman ou ye frè oubyen sè mwen? Ou konnen, m ap poze lakay la. M ap rejwi tout privilèj yo. Mwen ka anik al nan refrigeratè e pran yon bagay, pou m manje, bwè, pran yon mòso gato, pran kèk krèm nenpòt lè m vle... al sou tab la e rapidman pran pran yon (Pen rale ak Figmi) sou tab la BOUM, mwen renmen paran Ayisyen. Ole! Ole! = GOOD MORNING or GOOD EVENING! How are you, my brother or my sister? You know, chilling at home. I am just enjoying all the privileges. I can just go to the refrigerator and grab something, eat, drink, grab a piece of cake ? and then get some ice cream ?whenever I feel like it... Go to the table and quickly grab a (Pen rale and Figmi) at the table. BOOM, I love Haitian parents. Ole! Ole!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I have Haitian American parents. If you know what that means. It means if I leave home without them knowing, they will continue to call ? me. My curfew is home around 11 PM unless we are a party or a fancy event. If I'm going out, then I have to inform them of where I am going."-Mackenzy The Poet
"The BIBLE explains it well. If you obey your parents, then you shall live longer. Man, I want my BLESSINGS man, I want to live a very very very long life on this EARTH!! ALSO remember, whatever crap you did to your parents, then your children will do the samething to you; maybe even WORST!!".-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I don't want to argue with or anyone. If you want to listen. Go ahead, but you don't then that's your FREE WILL. GOD gave us all FREE WILL!! There also something call: Fen LAVI final ou ka fini mal si ou pa mande paran ou avèk BONDYE padon e repanti avan li koupe elektrisite ou!! = The End of your final days can finish terrible if don't apologize to your parents and GOD and repent on before he cuts out your electricity!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"The birds and pigeons speak to me all the time ⏲️. One time in around 2008, I think... A pigeon came out of nowhere and landed on my head in Elizabeth, New Jersey... I was waiting for the bus ? to go to Kean University..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"If you are talking to a beautiful Haitian girl, Haitian-American girl, or whatever right... and you want her right... you start by saying in Haitian Creole Ou bèl. (HAITIAN CREOLE) = You are beautiful. (American English). Pronounced in American English as (Oo Bell.) Then BOOM, she will smile and respond very sweet back to you. That is how you get your foot in the door ?. You have to continue rest on your own."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

I DARE you to mess with my Haitian people in Haiti, United States, and all over the world"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Tout moun ki fè Ayiti mal yo! Tout enmi Ayiti yo. Kit li andedan, ni deyò, ni sak kache... Fout nou tout anba kòd.... Se tann, map tann pou nou Tout mouri!! BONDYE BAY AYITI JISITIS LI NON!!! M AP TANN OU JEZI!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I remember one time I played with the electric socket with a clothes hanger when I used to live in Haiti. LONG TIME AGO!! After I got shocked with the electricity... I quickly pulled my hands away... Thank God, I didn't die that day... That's was my curiosity!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I have never tried water ski before...but I have tried riding donkeys ? to somewhere very far...and riding horses in my beautiful Haiti ?? in the mountains when I was there... Man, I can't wait to go on vacation there soon... The Haitians are getting their affairs together in our own private satellite Haitian radio ?... If you don't speak Haitian Creole... Then you won't ever know what is going on....We have our own almost everything just like the Jews... Now, we are getting our own Supermarkets, Schools... I am expecting even more from them... FASTER, STRONGER and BETTER...We just keep quiet and don't say anything..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Mesye! Mwen renmen anpil nan status ou a!! Eksepte, mwen pa gen nan bouda m, pou mwen poste tout sak Nan tèt mwen. Monchè, ou sanble avèk fre m nan ki te mouri jènn. Mwen pran koulè bò manman e li pran koulè bò papa m. E pa Bondye fè li fout resisite. Amèn."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"THAT is all true for Me:
1) Favorite Food = Haiti
2) Favorite Music = Haiti and USA
3) Favorite TV shows = USA
4) Favorite Beaches = Haiti
5) Favorite Soccer ⚽️ Teams = Haiti 1st, then Brazil 2nd, and USA 3rd."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I don't know if you all will agree if Haiti becomes the 51st state of the United States? Because all of you love to do revolution all the time? There is a time for blood shed, war, and peace. It all depends on how the day, circumstances, events, situations. Different situations call for different plans in different city, state, country."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I all depends on how you mix that. It could be purple it could be pink, it all depends on how you mix that!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 


"I love keeping my WORD, if The LORD allows to become a GREAT LEADER in the United States in the FUTURE... All I can tell you is that I will be surrounded by ENEMIES from all different party affiliations.... Let's just wait and see.... The only way that my WORD will not be kept is if I get stabbed by ENEMIES!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

'You have to specify!! It is Haitian Creole. There Louisiana Creole, New Orleans Creole, Haitian Creole, Martinque Creole, Guadeloupe Creole, Reunion Island Creole, Cape Verde Creole, Saint Lucia Creole and ect..'-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 


'It is a love-hate relationship... when the United States and whatever country bless my people in Haiti or wherever they are at in the world... I praise them... whenever they screw my people... I get ANGRY start writing ✍️ bring my complaints to My GOD through His son JESUS CHRIST or YESHUA... I go to church because I got problems, it depends on the day, event, situation. New day, new journey and new lessons to learn.. Even if my day or week went well... I still got to praise GOD... BECAUSE if you don't continue to acknowledge him, He gives and he can take away. Just like many arrogant people who become RICH or WEALTHY or both'-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 


"I call all of you Brothers and Sisters adopted by JESUS CHRIST or YESHUA into The big FAMILY of The MOST HIGH GOD of The BIBLE!! SONS AND DAUGHTERS of THE #1 KING!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"No, France did not pay Haiti back, after making them pay repatriations getting their Freedom. If it's France or Dominican Republic playing in sports against any other country; then I hope and wish ? that they all freaking FAIL!!"'-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Se Pou Polis, Swat, Lame Ayiti (Soon: Navy, Marines, Airforce ect...) Se pou nou fè menm bagay la tou, menm avèk jan avèk Ameriken. Tout nèg kap bay problems, nan nèpòt bagay illegal, drug, rape, human trafficking, volè kòb pèp, Senatè, depite, ect pa vle fè wout pou moun ki rete close, ect.. Si no stop, bay yo fil epi pi devan kill. Kite yon voye plis zanm, cha de gè blende, avyon, elikoptè, e lòt bagay toujou: pi devan (Volè tout, Epi ekri Ayiti sou li) (Allow all foreigners who wants to help: Don't be racist!)"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Ou di mwen ke Ayisyen pa rasis, se etranje ke yo fè konfyans. Bon Mwen konprann sa Ayisyen ki pa fè pwòp Ayisyen parèy yo konfyans. Bon ban mwen pran paran pa m pa egzanmp! Chak tan mwen gen yon rèv, mwen ale pale avèk yo, mwen mande yo konsèy ep m ap pale avèk yo: Yo toujou di mwen: "Are you okay? Are you crazy?" Mwen rayi lè yo di mwen sa!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet


"The 1940 were good times. Everything cost less, and everything was cheap. The only issue was that it was only for whites, and African Americans and other minorities such as Native Americans, Hispanics, Asians, Africans, Caribbeans, Arabs, Israeli's, Multiracials, and etc... who were anything else but white were still slaves. Even though they were free on paper, but the actions by United States government made them know that were not allowed to enjoy all of the privileges. Even though they didn't care about if they were born here or not... Despite of slavery was still alive in the United States... Haiti had already abolished slavery ever since January 1, 1804..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"No matter what Praise God through His Son Jesus Chris tor Yeshua. He blesses you and he can take it away. Don't be arrogant when you start from the bottom and make it up there. Also, don't forget your people when you make it!! Thank the people who helps you make it like me in my third Poetry book which can be found at https://mackenzythepoet.com/"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I am going to stand here and watch all of you oppressors BURN; it's all right, I love the way all of you lie to me and my people (Sarcam: Not really!). BECAUSE you all did the same thing to my people, So BURN away! Holy smokes! Did I just say that? Am I joking? (Take it however you want to)."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Yes! He has blessed you! Come as you are, at first!! But come on, after you know the rules and has been taught what we believe in, so make GOD PROUD!! BECAUSE BONDYE/GOD HAS BLESS YOU!! Don't take this wrong way, Looking awesome today and beautiful woman who is not my wife... the way you wear that dress or if you had worn a skirt that is appropriate also, you look beautiful..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I want to say from experience that Rahway Cops or Rahway Police are the best Cops ever. They come to you quickly wherever you are at in Rahway, New Jersey. Not like the Elizabeth, New Jersey Cops. They ignore me as soon as I told them my last name and the kind of car I was driving. I guess they were scared of getting shot. From my own experience, Rahway Cops are the Friendliest cops throughout all of New Jersey. It's such a long story, but I will summarize. You can get all the details and records at Trinitas Psychiatric Hospital, Runnells Hospital, Kean University, and my Psychiatrist. Basically, the first time, the car dealership in New Brunswick in Rahway, New Jersey called the cops on me. The second time someone at Wedding Design on West Inman Avenue in Rahway, New Jersey called the cops on me. Both times the Rahway Police officers did not arrest me, you guys just called an ambulance and sent me to the Psychiatric Hospital... I purposefully sign myself in this Psychiatric Hospital the third time. Thank you, because I have no record that said that I was arrested."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I Hope am hoping that Haiti just gets involved in many sports, maybe even all."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 


'Man, I don't even have a lot money right now...But I thinking and planning on donating to a Christian Church (as long as you are not a Jehova's Witness or Mormon then I got no beef with you!) in Pakistan today on Tuesday, August 27, 2027 through West Union when they open... It's not going to be a lot... but they need it more than me...'-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I already sent the Pastor in Pakistan $10 US through Western Union. I just received confirmation on Wednesday, August 28, 2024 at 2:01 am in New Jersey time that the congratulation received and the chidren received the donation. The children sent me a wonderful thank you. I responded back: You welcome my brother. May JESUS CHRIST or YESHUA continues to protect and bless these children. What is your local or global church?"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

'You are missing the whole point. That is why we are having this conversation. To mee it's not about what party affiliation you are. It's about the person's actions and what is in your head? What did the person do when he was at the bottom? And also what he or she still doing while the person is at the top?'-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 



'We are all related through Adam and Eve'- Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 



'I choose to believe that I am created in the image of God. If you believe you come from monkeys, then that's your choice. If you believe in the big bang, then that's your chance. The earth and the universe is too beautiful, complicated and precise for anything to happen by choice. God created all of us in a variety of different flavors.'-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

I used to rate businesses for free (Just type my first and last name on Google and check out my Google reviews); but now it's going to cost you. I am not asking a lot of money; but the more money the better the review. Plus, I will write an honest review from my experience. It all depends on you treat me.'-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"If I hate it, was not satisfied and if the product has side-effects. If it not good for me, then I will not have the heart to fool love ones, family, neighbors, friends and etc.. I will return the money."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"I know I look very young and I'm not that old, but I feel like I'm 1,000 years old."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

'I have been helping everyone out from other nations, tribe, language, etc... Who's going to help me out? I need help too!! Sorry, but I only shared with you the little I had. So pray for me to get blessed and prosper financially soon, then I will share with my Christian brothers and sisters locally and globally.'-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Well, guess who helped out? My South Korean-American sowed my bookbag for free because I am a good customer at his dry cleaner in Rahway, New Jersey. My African American friend gave me 5 American Dollars to buy something really cheap to eat because I am always helping him out (I told him it was his turn) at the Haitian American bakery in Elizabeth, New Jersey. The Haitian American bakery allowed me to put many of my business cards in their place of business because I a good customer and plus I brought a Colombian and Cuban American friend there to buy the same thing I had to eat. Plus, this Colombian and Cuban American friend gave me a ride to my parents house."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"I don't know if all of you realize this, but we are all slaves living in the United States of America". -Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet  (If you want to know what I mean, buy my third book entitled 'A Beautiful Life Well Lived')

"I feel like I have a 1000 years of wisdom."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"The feedback varies... foreigners and people not from my own culture, Many people who is not my FAMILY appreciate it me more... My family and some people from my culture just keep criticizing me... (I don't even care anymore!)
Many people buy my poetry books or they saw me performing ? on stage some of my poetry... They perform it themselves too...but they don't give me credit...(I JUST LET IT GO)...WOULD YOU LET GO?"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"He is from Haiti lives in Germany, has a German passport and marry a German wife. I am from Haiti too, but I live in the United States, I have a USA passport. MAYBE I WILL MARRY AN AMERICAN WIFE IF THAT'S What GOD HAS FOR ME!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"You say that I don't know what I am talking about. Okay! That's alright. That's why God gave us FREE WILL!! You can say whatever you want..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"3 Best Mens Haitian Team Soccer Players are: Donald Guerrier, Duckens Nazon and Steven Saaba"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"The story continues: Guess who helped me out today this morning on Saturday, August 31, 2024? This old white American man who owns a Auto Body Shop helped me out. He allowed me to put my business cards in his business with no charge, because he fixed my car bumper (as long you got insurance). Another white American who owns a computer store allowed me put my business cards there with no charge, because I am a good customer. Last but not least my Hindu brother allowed me put my business cards in car garage with no charge, because I brought my car to his mechanic shop to fix the inside of the car. All of these businesses are located in Rahway, New Jersey."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"IF a man is wearing an earing on one ear, (it doesn't matter which one on this mordern day time: left or right): That means has a lot of MONEY!! IF A MAN IS WEARING TWO EARRINGS IN THIS MODERNIZED DAY AND TIME: IT MEANS HE HAS THE YING & YANG. How many earrings am I wearing? Why would I want to advertise that? "-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"FAMILY will always be and ALWAYS stay FAMILY no matter what!!-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Every Job is a Job, as long as it glorifies GOD"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Man, unfortunately, it's true! If you're a light skin, mix, white, or whatever other type of Haitians (Because we have all)... Then people comment and leave negative comments on other people's pages. But at the same time, when other people on the street or when I asked the Lyft Driver to guess what I am, after I asked them where are you from or what type of American are you or where are your people from? They take a guess: and they never say Haitian American. When they say that I don't get offended anymore, because it's true! I just laugh... I understand what they mean... It's true... Just laugh.. BECAUSE that's not what they see on the American Media and all International Media. Just laugh...."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"So, you asked me, where is the lake of fire? When you, I and chosen sons and daughters from every race, tribe, color, language, nationality and nations from the earth get up there to our Father in HEAVEN ask Him where the Lake of Fire is!! I myself have many questions: The following song is one of my favorite song on Star 99.1 FM and I ask OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST or YESHUA for this myself. Pay close attention to the lyrics and video. Brandon Heath - Give Me Your Eyes: https://m.youtube.com/watchv=P5AkNqLuVgY&pp=ygUfZ2l2ZSBtZSB5b3VyIGV5ZXMgYnJhbmRvbiBoZWF0aA%3D%3D"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I went to Washington DC once. I was not at the White House, but I went to where Congress, Senators, Judges are."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Man, I don't play with snakes. If I can, I will kill them!! This is because this is a bad sign in the Bible".-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"What do you mean that I can't say good morning? You are saying it is a term the slave masters used. I am sorry, but I'm still going to use good morning. I think Good morning, is wishing someone a wonderful morning and good day."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"She was eating a cockroach from Thailand. That's nasty! (Lmbo)"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"You are asking me why would I kill Would you Kill the rats if they invade my parents or my apartment or my own house? This is because they are not welcome. All the rats do are poop in your house, make noise, and eat your food without your permission."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"This is what can make me happy right now. As long I got my health and can continue to perform poetry on stage or in the street and GOD is with me; then I am good."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I have dreams and visions all the time. Sometimes, it might a month, 3 months or 6 months or whatever time and nothing. The dreams and visions come whenever GOD allows it to happen."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

This is how Instagram AI describes "Mackenzy The Poet":
Mackenzy The Poet is a stage name for Mackenzy Samedi, a Haitian American poet, writer, and performer. He is known for his powerful and evocative poetry, which explores themes of:
- Identity
- Culture
- Social justice
- Love
- Resilience
Mackenzy The Poet uses his words to inspire, educate, and empower. He has shared his work through various performances, readings, and publications, and has become a voice for his community and beyond.
If you're interested in learning more about Mackenzy The Poet's work or would like to explore his poetry, I'd be happy to help you find resources!

When they first told me that I was 89% African, 10% European, and 1% Asian. They first told me that, but as soon as I started filling out the answers to many questions such as: "Where were you born? Who is your father? Who is your mother? Ect.. But I didn't reveal who my grandparents were yet. They started changing the story. It's all an experience in my third poetry book called: "A Beautiful Life Well Lived" So read carefully and dig, and you will find it.-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

My Great grandparents from my grandfather's side: A British man and he married a Dominican woman.-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 
My Great grandparents from my grandmother's side: A Polish man and he married a Haitian woman.-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

Here is right here: the Results of everything that is my Ancestry: Haitian, African, Dominican, British and Polish.-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

The color of my skin changes all the time in different seasons, countries, atmosphere, cameras, cellphones, light, darkness and my skin color changes when I'm in the sun and my skin changes color when there is natural light out from GOD and not man made light from electricity... I am like a lizard; but my true skin complexion is Tan, though.-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

Man, unfortunately, it's true! If you're light skin, mix, white, asian, Hispanics or whatever other type of Haitians (Because we have all)... Then people comment and leave negative comments on other people's pages. But at the same time, when other people on the street or when I asked the Lyft Driver to guess what I am, after I asked them where are you from or what type of American are you or where are your people from? They take a guess: and they never say Haitian American. When they say that I don't get offended anymore, because it's true! I just laugh... I understand what they mean... It's true... Just laugh.. BECAUSE that's not what they see on the American Media and all International Media. Just laugh....-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

I don't know if I'm going to watch the 2024 Debate yet on Tuesday, September 10, 2024, at 9 pm. between Kamala Harris vs. Donald Trump to... I keep falling asleep as I'm watching TV... I may watch some and turn it off later... because of all the BS from both sides... Nobody in my FAMILY will be watching... My father, mother, and my sister will all be working... My grandmother and my dad are not concerned about that. She is just in her room, minding her own business. Thank you for the BS from all of you. I don't trust either Kamala or Trump. It's now Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 8:59 pm and 30 seconds. I turned off the television at 10:11 pm and 30 seconds later.-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

Here is a prophecy for you: I hope Haiti becomes like Brazil.
This What both Facebook and Instagram AI had to say to my Prophecy in the following words:
"That's an interesting prophecy! Haiti and Brazil are both beautiful countries with rich cultures, but they have many differences in terms of history, economy, and development. Brazil is the largest economy in Latin America and has a diverse economy, while Haiti is still recovering from political instability, natural disasters, and economic challenges.
If Haiti were to become like Brazil, it would likely require significant advancements in areas like infrastructure, education, healthcare, and economic development. However, it's also important to recognize and appreciate the unique cultural heritage and strengths of Haiti, and not necessarily try to replicate another country's path.
What specific aspects of Brazil would you like to see Haiti adopt or achieve? I'm here to help explore this idea further!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

I don't know why Haiti's current Coach didn't start Nazon in the Puerto Rico vs Haiti match on Friday, September 6, 2024 in the location of Estadio José Anthonio Figuerora Freyre, Puerto Rico in the current tournament going on right now called Concacaf Nations League. Haiti beat Puerto Rico 4-1. The second match was on Monday, September 9, 2024. Haiti destroyed Sint Maarten 6-0. The next match is on October 11: Aruba vs Haiti. The French Coach Sébastien Migné used to coach a lot of African countries like Congo, Cameroon, Kenya etc. Now it's Haiti's Time. The French Coach is doing a good job ever since the Coach from Spain was fired.-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

My prediction is the following: "I hope Haiti makes it and qualifies for the 2026 World Cup. I can see it now. THE FINAL GAME OF THE 2026 WORLD CUP: HAITI (5) VS USA (0). They better not blow it. Failure is not an option for either the 2025 Gold Cup. Next year! They better not suck!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

Haitian Creole = Bondye beni ou!-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 
American English = God bless you!-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

American English = I'm fine!
French = Je suis bien!
Spanish = Muy bien!
Haitian Creole = Mwen byen!-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Haitians individually living abroad usually do well above and beyond; but as a group, they can't seem to realize anything. Although, the building of that Canal has seemed to have united the Haitians to work together without any government help."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"MY UPDATE: Hello Good morning or good afternoon! Remember a couple weeks back I informed you that I was diagnosed with Dyskinesia by my psychiatrist. I was first sent to a Neurologist and then I was referred to see a Movement Disorder doctor.Thanks to GOD through JESUS CHRIST or YESHUA, I pass every test put in front of me with flying colors or 100% with extra credit. The tests were many and very long. The doctor or she asked "Do you want a botox injection " then I responded "No! That's going to destroy me." Furthermore She said, "Do you want more medication?" And then I said "No! That's going to mess me up even more. Every medication that you all give me comes with more side-effects." After PASSING all of the EXAMS with an A+; she said "I don't see anything wrong with you. Do you want to make a follow-up appointment?" I answered: "If anything changes, I will CALL the Hospital in New Jersey. I hope one day that the psychiatrist will only put me on medication only as time progresses. It may take a very long time, but very SLOWLY REDUCE the medications as time advances, days, weeks, months and years goes by I hope to be on one medication with the help of GOD THE FATHER or YAHWEH through JESUS CHRIST or YESHUA with the Guidance of the Holy SPIRIT like a Dove." The female doctor asked: "How is your MOOD?" AND I SAID: "It is awesome now, but it depends on the day (PS. That means: it depends on the circumstances, situations, experiences, and events)." Then she said: "I will send a report to your psychiatrist." Since I passed all of the tests with an A+ or flying colors, then now I can't wait to see what the psychiatrist will say now. Thank you for ALL of PRAYERS. PRAYERS WORKS and JESUS CHRIST or YESHUA Can still HEAL!!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"SMOKED For 1 year. The smoking ended on Tuesday, May 13, 2013; BUT I NEVER DID ANY ILLEGAL DRUGS!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Good morning or good afternoon or good evening Pastor I am thinking of getting re-baptized! When is the next baptism again this year? What time? Where? I will need a ride...I don't know if my parents will let me go, but I would like to put my name down in FAITH. Do I have to attend any Baptism classes?
This was your response to me Pastor:
-At the church
-Registration will open in October
-No classes.
-I call all the candidates to make sure they know what baptism is and why they're getting baptized."
I am going to ask you pastor who's doing the Baptism to ask my parents to let me come to an event at the church... but I am telling you, to not say what event... I know that you don't respond back quickly (some of the times when you are busy, having surgery or on a date with your wife) but you are paying attention! Here is my new message to you Pastor: I am not getting baptized again. Once was enough: I found out all the information by asking questions, but the photo of my baptism is gone, unless the LORD allows me to have a movie about my life; then I can have someone take a new picture! I accepted Jesus Christ or Yeshua as my personal Lord and Savior on Sunday, July 31, 2005 in the 2nd floor auditorium at Bethany Community Church located at 36-40 South Broad Street, Elizabeth, New Jersey next to the Trinitas Hospital by the Assistant Pastor. I got baptized by the Head Pastor of the same church at a Jersey City Church in New Jersey on Tuesday, December 19, 2006 (They had no baptism pool at first) But now the church has its own Baptism Pool."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I quit because my dad caught me smoking in the South Broad Street church in Elizabeth near Trinitas Hospital in the auditorium. He punished me! I was not allowed to perform any poetry, be in the choir, and use usher. I realized that it was bad for my health, so I quit. Plus, I paid for it later when I was Ushering for the Rahway church near Rahway Park for Christmas in the Rahway Performing Arts Center. I was coughing very hard, very heavily uncontrollably...So, that was the result... Thank GOD FOR RECOVERY!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"It was Marlboro. I thought it would calm me down, too. It didn't. I was angry... I was falling in college for my bachelor degree... But before all of that, I would pass with flying colors every school stage before college.... Then, with my Masters I got back on my feet. BOOM!! THANK GOD!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Bous (Haitian Creole) = Wallet (American English)
Pronounced in American English as Boos.
Pa egzanmp: Kote bous mwen? = For example: Where is my wallet?"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Ou Bèl (Haitian Creole) = You are beautiful (American English)
Pronounced in American English as Oo Bell.
Malgre ou bèl, nan ki Legliz ou mache? = Even you are beautiful, which Church do you belong to?"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"The Pigeons are not afraid of me anymore. Whenever I pass by, they stay on ground and don't fly away."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"My favorite Peanuts is: honey roasted peanuts with salt."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 
"My favorite cake is: Carrot Cake"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"IF I Had a choice at a Bagel Shop to choose my last meal on earth it would be: an Everything bagel with Peanut Butter and Jelly."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"The color of my skin changes all the time in different seasons, countries, atmosphere, cameras, cellphones, light, darkness and my skin color changes when I'm in the sun and my skin changes color when there is natural light out from GOD and not man made light from electricity... I am like a lizard; but my true skin complexion is Tan, though. "-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 
"No matter how cold it is in the winter, my skin can take it. I could be outside in the snow with a t-shirt and shorts, it will be fine with me."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Have you noticed that a lot the food around the world are different in many ways; but they are similar to each other in many ways to each other."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"I used to love the summer no matter what it was my favorite season. Now, I hate the summer because of my experience in the summer of this year in 2024. Now my 2 favorite seasons are the: Fall and the Spring"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Even though I was born here on the planet Earth, I feel like I'm a visitor. I feel like an Alien because many of my ideas that come to my head are different from other humans on this EARTH. I feel like I am not human, but I am 100% Human just like everyone on our beautiful planet Earth."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

"Haitian Creole = Bondye beni ou!
American English = God bless you!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

1) Ki lè li ye? = What time is it?
2) Koman ou rele? = What is your name?
3) Ki kote ou rete? = Where do you live?
4) Non mwen se. = My name is.-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet 

Julius Cesar was a good leader, but he should not have divorced wife, because you are married until death do us part no matter what. Plus, he he didn't have to proclaimed himself anything like a Dictator, King, Emperor or whatever. GOD already knows what you are... Just do everything you got to do... Then pass the Baton to your successor...-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"It's true, yo! The Haitian, Haitian American or whatever parents don't want to support their kids if they don't want to be Doctors, Engineers, Pastors, ect... But what that's not what God has in store for me... What about Public Speaker, Actor, Singer, Soccer Player, Hockey Player, Poet, Mayor, Governor, ect...."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

In this 2024 United States Election I am writing my name "Mackenzy The Poet." John McCain was born in Panama, Ted Cruz was born in Canada. If it is me, they will start arguing with me because I don't look white. Either we rise together or fry together. We are all slaves anyway!

My Message: "We Are All Slaves This This Time, No Discrimination"

Campaign Song: "Big Rings By Drake ft Future"

Campaign Slogan: "Vote For The Poet, Not The Pol"

Name On The Ballot: "Mackenzy The Poet."

Remember: "I Know Nothing, You Know Nothing"

2024 Election Day or Vote Early Early: SURPRISE!!

"If I don't win President, Then I will just seat there watch you all have a civil war and do nothing... Then I will go for Governor..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"I used to love the summer no matter what it was my favorite season. Now, I hate the summer because of my experience in the summer of this year in 2024. Now my 2 favorite seasons are the: Fall and the Spring"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"All of the authors can do what they want, but I do my own thing. I write and perform my own poetry on stage. I love and appreciate all that welcome me. I don't care about all the criticism and critics. I do me and you do you; because GOD created me different from everyone else on this planet and wherever in the Universe."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Haitian Creole is a very beautiful language which includes the mixture of (English, French, African, Spanish, Taino Indian, Portugese and Arabic). I am not sure if as time goes by if it will include more."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

When I asked Facebook AI how Haiti impacted the United States..

"You're likely referring to Haiti's role in American history, specifically during the American Revolution.

Haiti, then known as Saint-Domingue, played a significant role in America's fight for independence. Here are some key ways Haiti contributed:

1. Financial support: Saint-Domingue was one of the wealthiest colonies in the Caribbean, and its resources helped finance America's revolution.

2. Military aid: Haitian soldiers, including Toussaint Louverture's forces, fought alongside American troops against the British.

3. Strategic distraction: The Haitian Revolution (1791-1804) diverted French and British attention, allowing America to gain an advantage.

Haiti's contributions were instrumental in shaping American history. Would you like more information on this topic or specific aspects of Haiti's involvement?"

When I asked Facebook AI about the accomplishments of Haitians in America..

"Haitian Americans have made significant contributions across various fields, showcasing their talent, resilience, and determination. Here are some notable achievements:


1. Rep. Mia Love (R-UT): First Haitian American Congresswoman (2015-2019)
2. Rep. Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-FL): Current Congresswoman, representing Florida's 20th district
3. Patrick Gaspard: Former US Ambassador to South Africa (2013-2016) and Democratic National Committee Executive Director

*Arts & Entertainment:*

1. Wyclef Jean: Grammy-winning musician, actor, and humanitarian
2. Edwidge Danticat: Pulitzer Prize-winning author (1999) and National Book Award winner (2004)
3. Garcelle Beauvais: Actress, model, and TV host (first Haitian American to star in a major TV drama, NYPD Blue)


1. Jozy Altidore: Professional soccer player (US National Team, Toronto FC)
2. Pascal Millien: Former professional soccer player (US National Team, Slavia Prague)
3. Andre Berto: Professional boxer (WBC and IBF champion)

*Business & Entrepreneurship:*

1. Régine François: Founder, Haitian American Business Network (HABN)
2. Daniel Dorsinvil: Founder, Global Commerce Network (GCN)
3. Jean Alerte: Founder, Brooklyn-based non-profit, JAG Experiences

*Education & Academia:*

1. Dr. Jean-Robert Cadet: Educator, author, and advocate for Haitian rights
2. Dr. Patrick Bellegarde-Smith: Professor, author, and expert on Haitian studies
3. Dr. Marie-Denise Shelton: Educator, researcher, and advocate for diversity in education

*Humanitarian Work:*

1. Dr. Paul Farmer: Co-founder, Partners In Health (PIH), providing healthcare services in Haiti
2. Dr. Kathryn Bolles: Medical director, Haiti Air Ambulance
3. Father Rick Frechette: Founder, St. Damien Hospital in Haiti

*Other Notable Achievements:*

1. Haitian American contributions to NASA's space program
2. Haitian American artists, designers, and musicians showcased in international exhibitions and festivals
3. Haitian American culinary experts promoting Haitian cuisine globally

These achievements demonstrate the diverse talents and accomplishments of Haitian Americans, showcasing their positive impact on US society.

Would you like more information on a specific individual or achievement?"

"For me, GOD makes me take the long way. No sprint race, but the endurance race. Just like I used to do in Rahway High School... the 1 mile, 2 miles, or 5 miles."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Man, I missed that coach for Haiti Mens National Soccer Team in 2019. Sorry, he got fired. I really missed him. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C_4PrvvR8aO/?igsh=cWsydDlhc2lmODU3"
-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Much RESPECT to the Founder of Haiti ?? Emperor Jean-Jacques Dessalines!! https://www.instagram.com/reel/DARKg8IJA2Y/?igsh=MTJkaWN0bTc1cHhzaw=="-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Don't worry... there is a long list... Who's on it? https://www.instagram.com/reel/DAEFgmxpLvs/?igsh=MTRwajc5b2Zob3p0bg=="-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Frictional characters in the Bible that I cannot stand: Saul and Goliath. I freaking love King David. So freaking honest."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"My so call friends ignore me when I give wonderful advice. So, I just share to whoever wants to listen. Like people on the street and strangers."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"I have this quote: IT goes like this: Keep your friends close, your enemies closer. If you have to bribe your enemies with gifts, then do it after you talk with God, your ADVISORS and the PEOPLE. Whenever you get the right chance, the perfect opportunity to wipe out your enemies, talk to GOD through HIS SON JESUS CHRIST with the Guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT 1st, your ADVISORS 2nd, and the PEOPLE 3rd Give them your HEART. If you get the APPROVAL from all 3. Then destroy your enemies. But give them a chance to apologize first. Do a vote from the people too before you destroy your enemies: Ask the people on a ballot: If or when so and so apologize, should we smoke him or her or have mercy? If the people vote: Kill, then we kill as soon as possible; but if the people vote: Mercy! Then you give Mercy immediately!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Thank you for the compliment on the books that I have already published! But I have certain conditions before I make any move PUBLISHING my 4th POETRY BOOK and MANY MORE FUTURE BOOKS with any company and agent. 1st) I want to get paid first, if I don't deliver then you can take back the money. 2nd) I want MOST of the ROYALTIES, because it was all my idea, my work. 3rd) The company will have to sign a non disclosure agreement DON'T CHANGE THE AMERICAN ENGLISH, the only things you are allowed to change are the other languages, because I may make some mistakes in the other languages. 4th) It must be in all the media, United States and international including all the public library. 5th) Send me a contact. 6th) We must meet face to face at a Public place near where I live. 7th) Share your contact info and the company as well. I will ask you to CALL The Company on front of me. We will take a short video recording of every meeting. 8th) We will be taking and have to take pictures together. 9th) Send me a contract. 10th) After I checked out the contact for any fine prints, then we will see if I sign anything. 11th) I will be asking you to go to church with me on different activities during the week and Sundays. 12th) Keep the contact between 1-2 pages. 13th) I promise you this fourth is going to make a lot and a lot a lot and a lot of money (anpil lajan, mucho dinero, beaucoup d'argent) 14th) If everything is in order, I will be will be signing the contract with witnesses with me. 15th) As long everybody involved get their cut and I get my cut, then I'm happy. This goes also for any record deals for any FUTURE POETRY ALBUMS and any company that wants to do Movie/Movies about my story including my life, neighbors, friends, colleagues, classmates, fellow BELIEVERS and etc..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"There are many so called many political candidates who running for office from all different party affiliations who write me all the time through paper, social media and email. They want my endorsement. But I'm not endorsing nobody. It's only me on the Ticket. Vote The Poet, Not The Pol. We Are All SLAVES This This Time, No DISCRIMINATION. I do have a really big team and we do need many nice things. Playing Politics is a very dangerous game because you never know who will stabbed you. Even though I have really big team, I am walking on 7, trying not step on 14. Mackenzy The Poet

"What you mean by you are waiting for the LORD to destroy so called humans, Enough is enough, Please LORD blow up planet Earth to dust?"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Whoa! Hold on! That will mean we all die. The ones that are Faithful to The LORD until the end will be in HEAVEN, BUT I don't want to die yet. I want God to give me 1 thousand years to live. It's going to be a very, very, very, very long journey..."Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"New York is a beautiful city, very diverse from people all over the world, but it is too expensive, too noisy, people have no courtesy or respect for others like neighbors, friends, colleagues, classmates, new immigrants, strangers, drivers and etc."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"I have family in New Jersey, Florida, Haiti, Canada, New York ect..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Man, I don't like it, dispised, and hate when my fellow Christian brothers and sisters wherever they are located are spit on, disrespected, oppressed, persecuted by anyone, or any country. If I have to disobey the laws set by people in Power, then I will.(They forgot that it was GOD that put them in Power). I rather listen to GOD than mankind. The BIBLE says, obey authority figures, but if if it contradicts or goes against GOD, then screw them."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"The POWER of The Tongue: Quit prophesying over your children. The BIBLE says there life and death in the Tongue. If you keep saying over and over that your children will not be worth anything. Then it may happen. Be like me, I keep performing this poem over and over and over and I will keep performing by saying by adding new materials to it as my life story as my very, very, very, very long journey continues: They Said That I Wouldn't Be Able to Get Out of Proverty Forever! Say What?"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Guess who got annoited? Many people from different backgrounds, cultures, nations, color, tribe, ancestry, languages ect including me got annoited today on Sunday, September 29, 2024 at Oasis Christian Christian in Rahway, New Jersey. I am very satisfied to be one of the Chosen for CHRIST. THANK YOU LORD. Now, I am very positive and 100% sure that no matter where I go the INVISIBLE SEAL of GOD will be on my FOREHEAD. Even when I messed up, He will always bring me back on the correct path. All of these people and I have a calling. So share your TESTIMONY whenever, wherever, and everywhere. DO NOT BE AFRAID. EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO GO TO BARS, BUY SOMETHING, FINISH, GIVE A TIP DIRECTLY TO THE PERSON IN THERE HANDS TO WHOEVER SERVES YOU AND LEAVE A CHURCH PROGRAM WITH ALL THE INFORMATION, LIKE ADDRESS, NAME OF THE CHURCH, HOURS OF OPERATIONS, CONTACT INFORMATION FOR PRAYERS AND ECT...!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

The story of Israel is very similar to Haiti. Everywhere the Haitians (we have all from every nation, tribe, language, color, nationality, ancestry ect). Every country they go they get mistreated, abused, overworked, many don't have citizenship, even the ones that are wealthy (they still get treated like every other Haitians no matter what color they are). That's why I wrote a poem called "Being Scared of Your Own People" in my third Poetry book. I talked about it all including all of the ENEMIES of my People and my cry to GOD and My cry to The GOLBAL CHURCH for a sincere prayer. -Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"I have dreams and visions all the time. Sometimes, it might a month, 3 months or 6 months or whatever time and nothing. The dreams and visions come whenever GOD allows it to happen. Guess what happened on Monday, October 7th, 2024 at 1AM? I was sleeping while listening to Star 99.1 FM Radio Station on the low, I heard of footsteps of someone walking in my room. I quickly woke up to see who was there, but nobody was there. The same thing happened on the same day on Monday, October 7th, 2024 around 4AM again I was very curious, because really wanted to see whose footseps again was walking in my room. There was nobody to be seen or found in my room."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Mwen gen yon blag pou nou tout./I Have this joke for all of you: Mwen konnen nou deja, talè na al di ke Mackenzy The Poet se yon gason blan te ye menm jan avèk Wa David ki te nan LA BIB aprè mil an pase e moun komanse pale de LEJEND de MACKENZY. (Lmbo)/I know all of you already, next thing you know you all will saying that Mackenzy The Poet was a white man just like King David in THE BIBLE after thousands of has pass when people start talking The LEGEND of MACKENZY (Lmbo)"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Thank you, We all appreciate it. We are all immigrants anyway. The Native Indian Americans were here first."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"I still own a physical copy of The BIBLE!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Mwen fout dakò!! Ba yo yon pinisyon ekonomik. Pa fout vann pwodwi Dominiken an Ayiti. Se do Ayisyen ke Repiblik Dominikèn te bati. Tan pou Ayisyen al fè esklav nan Republik Dominikèn, pito nou al travay lakay pou nou ka leve Drapo peyi a byen wo! Viv Ayiti... Bati, ase Kraze! Fout fè mi ke Republik Dominikèn te komanse bati byen wo. Kontwole fontyè a. Fè yo peye dyòl yo ekonomikman palan."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"You don't need a degree to be GREAT. You can use your talent to make a lot of money as long you put GOD first. Having a degree don't mean squat! Have it, just they see that you went to school. You don't even need a lot degrees or that many graduations. For example, if you only can graduate from High School, but you don't want any Student Loans, then create your own business with your talent, and don't be afraid to invest... Don't listen to dream killers like family members like mine. JESUS or YESHUA! He had no degree, but he healed people all over. He had no army, yet people in every head of States from every country feared him. He had no church, people from all over the EARTH followed him."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"I am in no rush to get married right now. Whoever the woman will be... I will make her wait... Also, if GOD wants to be alone, just like many of the Prophets were back in the day, then I will stay alone. Because you never know who will marry you and later divorce you to steal a HUGE portion of your WEALTH later. It is not a Blacks, Whites, Latinos/Hispanics or Asians ect thing. It is all women who loves playing games. You made wait, now it's my turn. I'm going to make you wait too. You're not getting that ring that easily. Trust me! I know what I am talking about I have tried all different kinds of women. If you ain't got no money at the current time, no job, no car, don't own your own place, etc. Then they blow you off! I'm going to make you wait... You are going to work for that ring..."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"I do know what it means to wait on God. For example, I was trying to move out of my parents' house. I was agoing to get a house, because renting cost as much as owning your own house. I contacted the radio, and the woman agent asked me to send certain documents.
1) -2023 & 2022 tax returns
2) -2 recent bank statements
3) -photo id
But because my business took two lost in a row for 2 years in conservatively, they would not allow me to get the house; even though I was going put a deposit down. So, I have to wait until next year 2025, God willing. I don't want to stay in Rahway, New Jersey anymore, too much property taxes and all taxes in General. I'm thinking somewhere close in Union County"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Madam Dominique Dupuy, Mwen byen kontan ke ou deside bay mesaj ou a an Kreyòl Ayisyen. Mwen pa renmen lè politisyen Ayiti yo ale nan Nasyon Zini epi yo ap eseye blofe pèp la. Ki tentenn sa? Fè yo aprann lang nou an tou. Si yo pa konprann, sa vle di yo pral chache yon mou ki pou tradwi (travay pou nou)."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Fòk mwen di nou tou. Kite tout afè demonyak deyè. Se Bondye Bib la pou nou Chache. Bondye konn delivre, men se pou nou ba li gwa nan tout tan. Se yon mesye ki trè jealou, li pa renmen lè nan rele lòt fo Dye. Monchè, sa te ka di nou, Pran Bondye pa piti li JESUS or YESHUA epi, nap win!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Did you know that it was the death of Henri Christophe on Tuesday, October O7 it was The fist only and last King of Haiti? He was born in British Grenada. He fought in the Haitian Revolution. Then he helped the United States fight in the American Revolution in the battle of Savanah, then to Haiti to rule. He built Two castles on top of different mountains. He gave jobs, and everybody was doing something and getting paid. Even though the people loved him, but other A-holes Wanted power! He heard all that was going on. He was afraid of a revolution and assassinations plot. So, darn it, the brother committed suicide. That sucks! That's one the reasons if I get elected in Political office, I will be doing 1 term. I'm not going to proclaimed any title. God already gave me a title. 1 term, do everything, pay workers, put pressure to finish everything before my 1 term is over. Hurry up! You are getting paid, so work, work, work. After you all are done; you will thank me Later."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Anpil Gason Ewopeyen vle e renmen gate bagay ki bon pou tout moun! Yo renmen gate fèt pandan moun ap chill and having a good time. Party in New Jersey!!"-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet

"Do you want to know how I meant The LORD? Well, I was listening to someone at my family's church preaching and he said: "The GOD of your mother and the GOD of your father can not save you." So, I just keep thinking about this. Some time later, I was chosen by the Youth committee to lead the service and preach the Surmon. So, I called many different Youths to do something during the Youth Meeting Sevice. Basically, I gave everyone a job. Some made me proud and some humiliated me when I called them refused to participate. I didn't want to shine by myself because I wanted to share the spotlight. After all was done, it was time for me to PREACH THE WORD of GOD. One of the Female Youth translated for me in Haitian Creole from me preaching in American English, because they wanted make adults feel included because many do speak American English. I was preaching in the book of Job! After, I was done, the Assistant Pastor told I had a calling. So, I surprised everyone!! THEN I said that I want to accept JESUS CHRIST right now as my own personal LORD and SAVIOR. The Assistant Pastor prayed on my head and it on Sunday, July 31, 2005."-Mackenzy Samedi aka Mackenzy The Poet