Here is an example of an Algerian historian who was speaking about Haitian history. There tape recording of how that the Algerian historian who learned Haitian Creole very well and was explaining Haitian History. He was speaking about how the 1st Haitian leader (from African descent from Congolese parents) Emperor Jean-Jean-Jacques Dessalines died because all of the mullatoes wanted to be the majority in Haiti and they wanted to take over all of the land of Haiti. They wanted to become the majority of a country of mostly more mix ancestry like Alexandre Pétion (the 2nd Haitian leader born in Haiti from a mother who was a mullato Haitian and father of French descent) (but at the same time, the 1st Haitian President because the other guy was Emperor). As of now, Sunday, February 16, 2025, I don't want to run for any political office in Haiti. This is because I don't want to give up my United States Passport no matter what happens, and I am not going to live there at least 5 years before the election. I just want to invest, be able to vote, and go on vacation there all the time on different times throughout the year.

What is a Mulatto in Haiti? A Mulatto in Haiti is someone with a mixture of 2 or more different cultures (Mainly of African & European ancestry). Haitians will call you a Mulatto specially if you are light skin. If you're very light skin then automatically people keep calling you White person whether you correct them or not.

Nobody ever dies of natural causes. There's always someone with demonic powers who did some magic after the person and caused them to die.

Haitian parents will give their children everything they need; but they are so freaking bossy and children have to rights. You are not allowed to talk back to them even if you explain your point of view very nicely. Man, they have turn living at home with them like a jail. All they want you either sons and daughters to do are: go to school, work, church and come home. It's like they never had time for fun when they were growing up. You're not allowed to make any friends or go to the house of people's house even if you know them. If you do, they are going to start a confrontation with you.

Did you know that on Saturday, February 15, 2025, it was Haitian President Jean-Pierre Boyer's birthday? His mother was from Congo in Africa, and his father was from France in Europe. He was born in Haiti and became the 2nd Haitian President. He reunited the north and the South. He ruled for 25 years. He took control of the Dominican Republic. He gave Haiti their glory back, and the whole island was under a new name called Spanish Haiti. Here is something that shocked me! He was the first Head of State that saw with an earring in his ear.

President Jean-Pierre Boyer managed Haiti from 1818-1843. I don't know all the facts of why the North and South were fighting. All I know is that King Henri Christophe took control of the North, and President Alexandre Pétion took control of the South. Haiti lost control of the Dominican Republic in 1844 because they declared their independence. I don't know why it was renamed Spanish Haiti. I don't know what an earring meant back then. They are some questions that I don't have answers for, because I forgot a lot about the Haitian culture. Man, I left at 12 years old, and now I am way over past 30 years old. I need to go back to school to learn more about Haitian Culture and Haitian History.

Haitian History is very funny. In the Haitian Revolution it was certain Whites, majoriy people of African descent, the mix race and the Polish who fought together to get Haiti their liberty out of slavery. Here is the funny part: In he 1st or original constitution, Emperor Jean-Jacques Dessalines classified everybody as Black. It basically said no matter where you came from, race, ethnicity or ancestry; as soon you stepped foot in Haiti, you're automatically Black. (Lmao)

Whoever you are don't ever whistle on front of any grown-ups. I tried it and got in trouble. When I ask questions, they don't even know why. The only explanation I get is "this what I was taught, there was no explanation and that's the tradition that I am going to continue."

Right now as of Tuesday, February 18, 2025; Haiti has no Army, Navy, Marirnes, Airforce and ect.... This happened because a leader came into power and kept getting kicked out or exiled by the army. So, he made sure that he dismantled or destroyed the Army when he got power another time. So there we go, Haiti is defenseless. Man, the Haitians got to rise again to make Haiti a better place to live for future generations to come.

Here is something funny about something that is happening right now in 2025 and started ever since the winter of 2024. Right now, the people kept calling guy who is the temporary president "Je Chinwa" which means "Chinese Eyes." Is it true? Yes, it is true, he does look Chinese! But dang, you don't have say it like that. Isn't there a pleasant way of saying this truth bomb?

Here another funny thing in Haiti. There is a place in Haiti called "Fonds-des-Nègres" which means "Deep Where Black People Live." What do you think is next? There actually another place to counter that called Fonds-des-Blancs" which is actually translated to "Deep Where White People Live." Wow! Now, do you find these 2 places hilarious like me?

Back in the day, living Haiti was always safer than living in United States. There was no theives or violence. Everything was affordable. Every children, adolrescents and adults respected everyone who was older than them. Even if you didn't know the person, each man and women older than you were either uncles or aunts. If a man is wearing a hat, then meet a woman and it's an automatic rule to take off your hat every time. People were able to sleep in there backyards, because the Army was always patrolling around to protect the people from enemies inside and outside. Also, there was no such thing as a property taxes or mortgages either. What the heck did you all do to Haiti in 2025?